Adult £365
Open to all adults, full members can play at any time, subject to tee time availability. Full Members with competition handicaps can take part in all club competitions as well as inter-club matches. Full members can sign on guests at just £20 for 18 holes or £14 for 9 holes per guest per round (with no limits to numbers).
Country £280
Open to all adults out with 20 miles from the golf club. Country members can play any time Monday to Friday, subject to tee time availability. Country members can sign on guests at just £20 for 18 holes or £14 for 9 holes per guest (with no limits to number).
Starter £180
This membership is intended for those looking to get into the game of golf. You can only hold this category of membership for a maximum of one year before taking Adult or Country Membership. Introductory members may play any time Monday to Friday subject to tee time availability. Starter Members are not entitled to sign on guests or maintain a handicap.
18-25 Youth £215
Open to all youths, can play at any time, subject to tee time availability. Youth Members with competition handicaps can take part in all club competitions as well as inter-club matches. Youth members can sign on guests at just £20 for 18 holes or £14 for 9 holes per guest per round (with no limits to numbers).
12-17 Junior £50
Open to all juniors between the age of 16-18, can play at any time, subject to tee time availability. Junior members with competition handicaps can take part in all club competitions as well as inter-club matches. Junior members can sign on guests at just £20 for 18 holes or £14 for 9 holes per guest per round (with no limits to numbers).
Under 12 Junior £0
Open to all juniors up to the age of 12, can play at any time, subject to tee time availability.
Social Member £5
Social members can use the bar and catering facilities, but are not permitted to sign in guests